Bird Photograph: World Photography Day


I decided to send a bird action shot for my 2013 World Photography Day submission.

I learned a couple of key tips for bird photography while trying to capture a photo of nesting swallows on our property. After many failed shots (trying to capture them in flight) I had 2 realizations:

  1. I needed a predictable angle and position to capture – ‘side on’ aiming at the nest with a Telephoto let me pre-focus on where the swallow was going to be.
  2. Setting an ISO of 1600 gave me a shutter speed of 1/8000th sec – which was crucial to freeze the motion of the super fast swallow

It took a dozen shots but I nailed a capture that I was fairly happy with…. actually this was part of a sequence which was awesome. I’ll post that next time.

Please show your support by ‘favoriting’ (is that a word?) my shot at:

(To ‘favorite’ my shot you need to Register and Login to World Photography Day then you will see a link “Add to favorites” next to my name and the heart count – if that is too much – you could just share the photo using one of the sharing icons on the right of the photo.Thanks!)

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